(My response – a hesitant “yes, I know…” (we had been looking for jobs teaching English in Asia for nearly a full week so I really had no doubt that this was the definite direction of our future) - did not seem to meet his expectations. He interpreted my weary agreement as suspicion and began assuring me – he had found precisely what we had been looking for, and he now knew the substance of the visa process, the names (absent proper pronunciation) of most of the provinces, the average internet availability in different regions, the story of the site’s creator, and even some irrelevant details such as – in Korea, you can drink beer on the streets “like in Vegas” (apparently the wording of a FAQ on the site).
We applied.
Monday we spoke with the site’s creator and he advised us to seek employment for Thaddeus first and then find a position for me that is compatible with Thaddeus’ schedule after we arrive and become oriented. This makes sense to us. So we are now waiting for offers from specific schools in South Korea, and compiling our paperwork (background checks, a passport for Malachi, college transcripts, and, we’re not sure, but, we think a small sample of our bone marrow). Thanks to Thaddeus’ motivation and forethought we have completed most of our side of this process and merely await the arrival of our documentation.

The Lawrence populace that visit craigslist have proved very eager for our items thus far – for instance, I must already rescind the offer of a papasan chair. Someone just came by and picked it up.