Last week I took Malachi on a slight hike. Malachi made it far more strenuous than I had expected and I was unable to pause at the top because I didn’t want to disturb the serenity of an older man meditating on a bench. So on my walk home I pretended to be a 21st century Oscar Wilde and composed an observation which, in the moment, seemed saturated with tidy truths - walking after a hike is altogether in bad taste.
I tried to greet the eager passer-by’s with something of my usual pleasantness (I’m pleasant in Korea) but all my mind could do was gauge how far I had to go, and still to go, and still to go. And then, at the very entrance of our apartment complex awaited… the jesuslove missionaries.
I had met one of them before, on my way to the supermarket, and she had given me a pamphlet, so I thought I knew what to expect. This time there were two ladies, one a littler older than the other. They greeted me – annyonghaseo – and I tried to greet them, allowing myself only the slightest glance in the direction of our apartments, still about twenty meters from us (ok, a sheer guess, but meters are awfully hard for me since I’ve only used miles and feet and all the other nebulous Americanisms of distance measurement).
They held out a pamphlet and I tried to express that I already had one, and that I have even seen the church's structure, and it is big and Thank you, but I’m not in need of another pamphlet because that would be wasteful, wouldn’t it, and Jesus wouldn’t love that, right? But this did not come through. They persisted in pointing at the pamphlet and in the direction of their church and speaking Korean extremely quickly (just to join in the universal opinion that when you don’t speak a language, it seems that everyone speaking that language speaks it on speed) and so I took a different tactic: utter agreement.
Yes, the pamphlet. Thankyou. Kamsamneeda, right? Yes, the church, Yes, thank you. Yes, me, yes, that, yes, yes. When they wanted something more lengthy I would say “Hangu-gul-nu-tum-nee-da” (I don’t speak Korean) and then I would fall back on my simple “Yes.”
My affirmation was interpreted to be theological as well – the younger of the ladies leaned her shoulders into me and put her hands together in an attitude of prayer. I hesitantly indicated that I understood. “Pray” I said, and held my hands together as best I could. She looked up in to the sky and then opened the pamphlet, which seemed to be neatly arranged in proper numeric order – four steps to something. Salvation probably, and prayer is step two. She pointed at the pamphlet, mimed prayer and then pointed at me. I almost nodded, but then settled on “I don’t speak Korean." She got out a pen and started writing Hangul letters on it. I said "I don't understand." So she thrust her finger at each character separately and looked at me intently to see if any of them would be familiar and I alternated between saying yes and I don't understand. A mixed message, I know, but I was trying to both be polite and honest.
Then the other lady stepped into me and pointed down. I looked at the hem of my capris and then at her. She shook her head and then pointed at her skirt and spoke Korean quickly. At this, I admit, I laughed. But she peered at me so gravely that I stopped laughing and nodded instead and said “um, I don’t speak Korean.” She pointed at my feet. I nodded, trying to indicate, yes, I expect that my bare feet in flip flops might be equally forbidden…then she reached in her purse and gave me a pair of ankle-length-pantyhose.
I tried to mute my laughter, but I know some semblance of merriment came through because she shook her head at me and pushed the panty-hose into my hand, pointed at my feet and then in the direction of the church. “Ah” I said “I wear these, if I come to your church. Thank you. Kamsamneeda.” And then the other lady pointed at various parts of my body and wardrobe and shook her head and pointed at Malachi and shook her head and then slapped his cheeck gently and said he is adorable.
I decided to perform my creative leave-taking move that has successfuly freed me of many Korean crowds: I bolt (here I have long legs) and wave Malachi’s hand and pretend like he's saying “bye- bye.” Usually people think this is funny and also understand, and say ‘bye-bye’ back to him or get me to say it Korean but instead the older lady pushed against my shoulder again and hurriedly fumbled in her purse and handed me a box of something. I took it and said Thank you and smiled and said “bye” and they pointed at the church and then wagged their fingers at me and pointed at the panty-hose. I nodded and said all the same things you know I can say and then, I got away.
I was curious as to what could be in the box, but was surprised to find that it contained a pile of plastic gloves.
This led to an extensive internet search to see what the religious significance of the gloves might be, but I think it's just a common household item they give out since I've also received tea and tissues during similar encounters.
I was reminded to tell of this because just a few minutes ago someone rang our doorbell. I peeked out and saw a lady knocking on the door opposite to ours. But then she opened the person’s door! She immediately came back out and rang our doorbell. The door was not locked, so I panicked and, rather than have her open our door, I opened it and greeted her. I guess she’s our new neighbor – she pointed at her door and then, oddly enough, asked if I’m Russian. I said no, American, and she smiled and sighed and said "America, ah." She told me Malachi is adorable (so far it’s my favorite Korean word) and then….she reached in her purse and gave me, you know, the jesuslove pamphlet….